The Journey Begins...

Thickfitness Day 1:  There's only so much that I can film without looking like a crazy person inside of Planet Fitness. Let's face it, I definitely didn't want to be judged in the so-called "Judgement Free Zone".  Because of this, I refrained from recording everything. Anyway, please feel free to make suggestions on my regiment. Once arriving my routine included the following:
  1. Selfie - I strictly did this for research purposes. LOL
  2. Stretch
  3. 15 Minutes on the Elliptical: Average Speed-5.2
  4. Arm Day: Lat Pull Down, Tricep Push Down, Chest Press,  Seated Row.  I did 3 sets of 10
  5. I did a few ab machines... But not really LOL
  6. 15 Minutes on the Treadmill: Average speed- 4.5; incline- 1.5
  7. Stretch
My goal is to go to the gym at least 4 times a week, hopefully you all we help me to stick to this goal all Summer long. Have a great day!

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