It all began once my hair had drifted beyond my shoulders (when stretched).  I had never had these problems before.  Although my hair was making strides towards achieving my lofty length goals, I was getting ready to embark on a new nightmare (cue horror music) Single Strand Knots.  Have you ever found yourself yelling at the female-lead in a scary movie? You know they are walking into a dangerous situation and you are screaming for them to turn around and go back.  That's me, right about now.  I know better! I know that I should wear protective styles, and detangle...but I haven't been doing these necessary tasks, lately.  My inner voice is screaming at me, and I still fail to listen.  I have never regretted this as much as I did yesterday. Saturday was my WASH DAY and I was forced to live through the horrifying consequences of not heeding my own advice. As I began to detangle, I noticed that the tangles and single strand knots had violently att......